Dani VS Life

What goes around, comes around… keep the circle positive, peaceful and loving…


Raising a child means you follow phases… They go through the sleeping all the time phase (if you’re lucky), not sleeping phase, not eating phase, eating a lot phase, colic, and what ever else ails you phase. My son is going through a chewing and spitting phase right now and it’s GROSS! He’s almost 14 months old and has 8 teeth and is constantly taking bites of food, chewing it and then spitting it out. I’ll end up with food piles on the table and God forbid I let him walk around with food because then it just ends up all over the floor and or smashed into the carpet.

At his baby wellness check up the doctor looks at me calmly and advises, “Oh it’s just a phase…” OK THANKS! But when will he be over this phase and when will my non toothless child actually start using the teeth he has to chomp down on some good food and EAT!? I’m tired of smashed foods and pureeing everying I make only to have him spit that out sometimes too… Ughhh… It’s only a phase and this too shall pass.

Oh a brighter note, my son did try ribs the other night… Oh Emmm Gee… HE LOVED THEM. Spit it out, but loved chomping down on them and chewing and knowing that he was working to get something out of it. Too cute!

Every day is a new discovery and a new chapter in the story of Austen and me. Love this little guy with everything I am. Being a mom is challenging, rewarding, scary at times and one of the most amazing things we get to experience as humans. I just hope I’m doing the best for him because he deserves the best! Just start eating your damn food!! 😉

One comment on “Phases

  1. Rumiya Murtazina
    April 27, 2015

    It must be very annoying. My son is 15 mo. He experiments and has a strong opinion about food he puts in his mouth. He doesn’t like being fed, he wants to do it himself.

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